Thursday, February 16, 2023
Major Assignment #1 Self Reflection
I used all different types of steps in creating the first major assignment. The first couple of steps I used was brainstorming, I brainstormed ideas together on what I wanted to write about by using the Planning worksheets.
After reading about skills and doing the brainstorming, I chose my topic. When choosing my topic, it was hard to decide on there were so many options. I decided to do it over motivation and dedication on ways you can improve your mentality and practices. After conducting research which was the hardest thing for me was finding good reliable sources. But when I found some, I was able to do my infographic with ease, creating the infographic itself was one of the easier thing's parts because of all the assignments we had done previously. The peer review made me reflect back on my work and what I need to improve on my infographic.
For the next assignment I need to read more about my topic so I can get an even better idea of what I am talking about. I also need to not wait till the last minute to do the assignment. I made a few changes to my infographic at the end just switching words around and taking out the word I.