Colby Lafferty Portfolio
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Feedback #1
Clear overview of your process--glad you included the part about having to choose again--happens to all of us.
This feedback was given over major assignment #2
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Final Reflection
Throughout this entire semester we did many different things that I think could have been better but also things that I loved about the way I handled things, also the way the class was set up Managing my time was sometimes a struggle as it always has been for me. I love to procrastinate everything but sometimes I feel like I work better under pressure. Being under pressure allows me and forces me to do the work; But sometimes it can put myself in stressful situations as I can get freaked out about not knowing how to do something and it is too late to ask questions. Overall, I managed my time fairly well and I didn't procrastinate this class as much as I do others but that comes with the work as well.
I loved the work in this class compared to my others. It was just easier than writing an entire essay on things. Making slideshows and designs was actually fun sometimes based on what it was about, like the argument assignment. It was so fun to be able to research organ donation and learn more about it. Then creating designs over it was way better than writing a whole paper over it.
Getting the ability to brainstorm before we even do the assignment was one of my favorite things about the class. As I was able to get ideas down on what I wanted to do and get multiple ideas about it instead of just making things up and doing something random I don't even care about. The brainstorming made life so much easier getting ideas and having a lot of them, gave variety on what your assignment was going to be about. Also discussing the different types of brainstorming helped me get even more ideas flowing, whether it was free writing or drawing. It was good for an assignment to be the brainstorming just because it gave ideas off.
The outlines were a big part of my success in this class as well. After brainstorming, getting an exact outline and looking at what our assignment needs to look like is super helpful. I like to see what my assignment should look like before I even do it, also using it as a guideline so I make sure everything is there so I can get the best grade possible. Using the outlines to generate more ideas and it helped everything just flow into a rough draft better than just throwing something on a paper and calling it good.
Getting your feedback helped a ton in improving my papers. To be sure to have everything I need in my paper and make sure I am doing a good job on the paper. The feedback was always helpful as I can improve my paper in one way or another especially if I was doing it wrong. If I was doing it wrong the feedback, you gave allowed me to adjust what I was doing and do it the right way.
I honestly did not proofread my work as much as I should have. Normally I do it often especially on big papers and such, but these assignments did not take that much proofreading in my opinion. But yes, I should have proofread more because at times I didn't even proofread and that is something I should always do just to make sure it says what I want it to say.
Learning how to write to the audience was a new thing for me. I never thought about that and who is actually going to be reading and viewing my assignment. Then switching how I write based on who is looking at it. I think I did a fairly good job on switching it, it could have been better, but it just takes time and learning and practicing how to make those changes.
Giving feedback to other students is always hard for me, yes, I want their assignment to improve but I also don't want to be rude about it. The feedback I gave I think was good feedback, just minor adjustments and just said that's what I would do to improve the assignment. Without being rude and inconsiderate about what I was saying.
I love the fact we used a blog for the portfolio assignment and the fact that we were forced to keep it updated with assignments. It makes it easier in the long run to put everything we did there already so at the end of the semester we wouldn't have to take all that time to put it in the blog. The creative aspect of the blog I loved too as more artsy people can show that off and more tech savvy people can also put their skills to work, and it is something they like to do.
The class as whole for me was amazing. I loved everything about it. The assignments you gave were reasonable, they were not too hard and easy to understand. I love the fact we did other things rather than just writing essay after essay, we were able to talk like ourselves in our writing. Then talking about things, we want to talk about and creating slideshows and other things to help make our presentations and assignments look appealing. There was the perfect number of assignments too. I could get everything finished and never got behind due to that.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Reflection over persuasive project
At first, I got ideas of what I wanted to create and argue about. I had done a research paper on Organ Donation before so what a better topic to choose. Then I brainstormed some ideas of where to create the project, I had never done anything like cast o Matic or anything, but I had done google slides before. I am very familiar with google slides, so I chose to go with that. I researched a little information and what I already knew about organ donation and put it into slides; While using logos, ethos, and pathos which as a class we learned about. I made sure all of my information went with those appeals. Then I got peer review on what to change about my draft and what I had come up with. Finally, I presented my final draft project in front of the class talking about organ donation. The hardest part was just figuring out what information to use on the slides to appeal to logos, ethos and pathos as there were so many choices from organ donation. The easiest part was setting up the slides when I knew what information I was going to use. I never tried to cast o Matic, but I didn't feel like messing with it and dealing with it when I knew how to use slides and felt I could give a good presentation on it. This project was so much better than having to write an essay. Essays take so much time compared to a presentation and are just a lot harder.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Reflection for M.A #2
To make the Major Assignment number 2, I looked over multiple short stories to get an idea of what we might like to read and how short stories worked. Afterwards, I read and discussed the short stories. I got to pick what story and what collection I wanted the story to be from. At first, I chose Milk and Honey, but I talked about the entire collection on an assignment instead of just one story. So, I switched to afterparties by Anthony Veasna So’s collection and out of all of the stories I chose Superking Son Scores Again. After I chose this story, I typed out a short analysis about the story without giving too much away. After that I researched more about So and talked about his life and him as an overall author. Then I looked up what other people have said about the book and the collection as a whole and took their quotes so other people would want to read it. I made a book cover using google draw, taking the image from google about badminton and then putting the title on it. Then before everyone looked over my work including Mrs. Dudley and then changed my work accordingly with some help.