Monday, January 30, 2023
Planning Worksheet 4
Reaching the goals
Many things will stand in my way in order to reach my goals. The path is not going to be easy as it is hard to achieve your goals. Things such as friendships or relationships can sometimes harm your end goals on what you're trying to achieve; they can distract you from what you want or sometimes they can be a motivation on what you want.
In Society people are going to tell me I can’t achieve it and will doubt me but it is up to myself to do what I have to do to succeed.
To obtain these obstacles I just have to put my mind on what I want to achieve. If I stay focused on the end goal it will give me motivation. I just need to put more effort into what I want to achieve when doing so it will all come over time.
When I achieve the goals it will be better for me in the future. The journey will be a struggle but in the long run I know I will be financially stable. When doing so it will cause less stress as you do not have to worry about money or your status.
Planning Worksheet 3
Achieving my Goals
Most people have goals, as do I. My big goals in life are to be financially stable and I want to be able to provide my future family with things we need in order to survive while doing something I am passionate about. Also, I would want to be able to afford some things that we want. I want to be able to provide for people and that doesn’t come at an easy cost as you have small things to achieve.
With the big things come small things that I must do first. For me, I need to graduate college and get my degree before I do anything. By graduating college then I can apply for jobs that I would want and get paid good money for it. Also, when I get my first job; I might be offered other jobs and can pay more than what I was getting. In doing this I will work more and more, getting better pay and being closer and closer to being financially stable. But all of this is not as easy as it seems.
When you do small things in life it takes committing yourself. I must have discipline to know what I want in the long run. Whether it be cutting people off or just taking more time to dedicate myself to dreams and goals. I can't let anything stop me from reaching my goals, the only person in the way is me. I need to take the time to achieve the goals and it will be better for me in the long run.
Planning Worksheet 1
During 2022 things happened throughout the year that were memorable and some things I want to improve myself on. Most of the bad things were pretty personal experiences that I needed to work on to improve myself as a person and who I would want to become. Most of the bad things were due to my lack of a relationship with God and that is something I need to improve this year. But with the bad there is always good, overall, 2022 was a pretty good year for me, soccer and graduating last year were the best things last year.
Last year something that haunted me throughout the year was just drinking and going to parties and such. I had a problem with even some of my closest friends. I was bringing them down the wrong path with me and that’s not the person I wanted to become. So, in 2023 I have been more devoted to staying sober and growing my relationship with God because that’s all you truly need in life.
With the bad things there is always some good, last year was most likely my final year playing soccer and boy was it fun. We were not very good but getting to play with my best friend who was on a forgiven exchange last year was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved every moment of being on the field with my teammates and just cherishing those moments. Graduating high school and starting college was a new experience for me and was an amazing experience as I like college so much more, there's so much more freedom with everything.
Throughout 2022 life had its ups and downs. But for 2023 I'm going to continue to become a better person and the person I want to become. Also surrounding myself with better people and just overall having a better year.